Summer Advocacy Continues

By Julie Marlette, Hinman Straub, Special for NEAFA

NEAFA leadership, in partnership with Hinman Straub, has  remained active in advocacy through the summer months. In addition to continued advocacy in opposition of enactment of the legislature’s proposed ban on neonic treated seeds (S.1856-A, Hoylman-Sigal / A.7640, Glick, NEAFA has also submitted a veto request to the Governor, seeking her disapproval of legislation that would authorize certain local governments to adopt local laws or ordinances prohibiting the application of pesticides to wetlands they regulate, except those being used for the control of invasive species (S.5957, Harckham/A.5949, Burdick). Identical wetlands legislation was  vetoed by this Governor last year. That veto message can be read here. 

NEAFA has continued to meet with the  Governor’s office on both of these bills, to share concerns, opposition and request that the bills be vetoed. NEAFA, alongside other advocates, also met with staff from  the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, one of two state agencies that will be instrumental in advising the Governor on her final action to voice concerns on these issues.  

NEAFA has shared  a formal written veto requests  which can be viewed by clicking here.

You can help amplify opposition to these bills by sending a message to the Governor as well. The New York State Farm Bureau has made automated messages available here: 

Neonic Letter in Opposition

Wetland Letter in Opposition