In the Spirit of Giving: A New Opportunity for Sustainability

By Rick Zimmerman, Executive Director

As 2020 draws to a close, we pause to reflect on our many blessings.  Even though you may be challenged by this thought, I suggest to you that the Northeast Agribusiness and Feed Alliance has been and remains a blessing for farmers and their agribusiness partners. It is in this light I bring you a new opportunity: the NEAFA Sustaining Sponsorship Program!

The NEAFA Board of Directors approved the new Sustaining Sponsorship Program to enhance our traditional sponsorship options. Rather than sponsoring solely for our annual meeting, we are offering you a way to be recognized for your support throughout the year!  Rather than thinking about your sponsorship in context to a specific speaker or event, you may now be recognized for sustaining the important work your association undertakes to help assure a profitable business environment.  

Here is our value proposition:

NEAFA: Your ACE in the Hole!  We make it our business to know your business and provide you with the programs and services that will make you more successful.  Whether it is advocacy for public policy, industry collaboration and networking, or timely educational programs, NEAFA is your ACE in the hole! (Advocate, Collaborate, Educate)  

Your support assures we can continue to stay on mission as we battle headwinds of government policies, international competition, and the cost of doing business in the northeast.  We must remain focused and engaged in the issues impacting success for the agriculture industry throughout the northeast.  

Northeast footprint: We make it our business to engage with state government on behalf of the northeast agribusiness community.  We know that all northeast state governments impact the agribusiness community through their legislative and regulatory roles

We are boots on the ground addressing the policy challenges and hurdles impacting individual agribusiness companies.  Our access to and influence with legislators and government administrators strongly positions us to represent the agribusiness community.  Further, our respected perspectives, within the agriculture lobby, ensures that the agribusiness perspective is considered on key policy issues.

Collaboration is in our DNA.  We know that collaborative relationships provide results far greater that independent efforts.   We actively work to engage with and work with industry stakeholders. 

Your brand is enhanced through association with us!  A Sustaining Sponsorship will compliment your company’s brand because of your affiliation with NEAFA.  Prominently displayed on our website, newsletters, event materials, your company will be proudly identified as a sustaining sponsor.  We even give you the opportunity for a recorded video message linked to our website.

More information on the Sustaining sponsorship Program is coming very soon.  2020 may have thrown us some major curveballs, but NEAFA is preparing to lead forward into 2021.  We hope you will actively support our cause.